Monday, October 29, 2018

Attention on Deck! Major Changes Coming for Dental and Vision Benefits for Retired Military Veterans!

by Marc Manor

Our eyes and mouth are the windows into our overall health. So, this week I want to focus on my retired military brothers and sisters to alert them to the upcoming changes to their dental and vision benefits – Yes I said dental AND vision benefits!
Courtesy of

The Tricare Retired Dental Plan (TDRP) benefits that have been offered to retired veterans is coming to an end on December 31, 2019. Information on these changes have been publicized by Tricare by way of a note on the TDRP web page: 
and via the US Mail. Benefits are shifting to the Federal Employee system and the changes are more prominently posted on the BENEFEDS website at:

Despite these publicized notices and mailings, many retired veterans are still not aware of these changes!

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Value of Max (aka the Scoop on MOOP)

By Marc Manor

With the cost of healthcare and healthcare related insurance getting more expensive each year, it sometimes can be hard to find the value.  Consumers are so overwhelmed with the expense, that the value of their plans is sometimes lost on them.  If a 60-year-old is paying $600 to $800 a month for a high deductible healthcare plan, who can blame them when consider opting out; especially now that the new tax law has removed the individual mandate tax penalty for not having insurance starting in 2019.  Before you go out in the world uncovered or under-covered, let me just take this opportunity to highlight what I call the “value of max” or "the scoop on MOOP".
Courtesy of

Almost everyone hears of the protections for pre-existing conditions that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance plans have; however, another lesser known protection is the “maximum out of pocket” feature.  Although less well known or talked about, this feature should be of great importance to those who are sitting on the fence when it comes to their 2019 healthcare coverage.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Leaving behind calm instead of chaos

By Marc Manor

Most days for me as an insurance professional are very satisfying.  I meet new people and help them get the most out of every healthcare dollar.  These people have great stories and because many of them are seniors, they have contributed so much to our American experience; our elders are truly “the greatest generation”.  I have always admired the work ethic and family devotion I observe in many of the seniors I work with.  Their stories are fascinating, and I love to hear them tell of their life and times.  It saddens me greatly when one of our senior clients pass on; but it motivates me even more to do more to make sure their families are cared for in accordance with their wishes.  

When this happens, I sometimes get calls from the family members trying to tie up loose ends with unpaid hospital bills and insurance claims they don’t fully understand.  I can sense their despair and frustration when trying to gather information and make countless phone calls as they try to piece together all their loved one’s affairs.  I help them as much as possible, but it never feels like enough. 

Communicate and don’t procrastinate!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! It’s a bill!

By Marc Manor

Those of us old enough to remember “Gomer Pyle”, can visualize the scowl on Sergeant Carter’s face when Gomer revealed his many surprises!  Surprises can be great but not when it comes to healthcare insurance claims, most of us want to our bills to be exactly what we expect – NO SURPRISES! 

Healthcare insurance claims are based on a long list of medical codes that are associated with each treatment, diagnosis, and/or medical procedure.   The codes are entered by medical data entry people to base them on a patient’s chart or doctors notes.  The codes have a variety of uses in the medical field but the codes that are probably most important to us as healthcare insurance beneficiaries are the ones correlated to our healthcare benefits.  The codes submitted to the insurance company will determine how claims will be processed.  Allow me to provide you with some examples that may help in understanding how the codes affect healthcare insurance claims:

“I received a bill for a recent lab test.  I thought lab tests associated with qualified preventive care was 100% covered!”

Monday, October 1, 2018

Preparing for Annual Medicare and Healthcare Insurance Renewals

By Marc Manor

With Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) and Healthcare Open Enrollment right around the corner, I thought annual renewals would be a timely and appropriate subject for this week’s blog.  Many of our clients want to know what this means to them. People looking for healthcare or a change in providers want to know when and how they can make those choices when the time comes.  Because AEP and Open Enrollment  coincide with the holiday and shopping season, it’s important to have a plan before the throws of shopping and family consume us. Here are some questions to consider:
Courtesy of

Is my current Medicare or healthcare plan the right fit?

If your Medicare or healthcare plan is providing you with all the coverage you need, and it fits your budget, then you should likely stay with where you are.  Your provider probably already has the information they need and you have become familiar with the benefit schedule, co-payments etc.  If this is the case, you may want to just stay put and roll into next year with the same plan. 

I got a letter about “renewal” what does this mean?

Healthcare is a Team Game

 By Marc Manor Healthcare is a team game that includes everyone from the client/patient, to the provider, their staffs, coders, insurance co...