Thursday, March 28, 2019

Seeking Healthcare Solutions Outside of Open Enrollment

by Marc Manor

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Navigating your way through an entire year with nothing to help you pay for medical bills can be a significant risk to your financial and personal wellbeing. Missing the Healthcare Marketplace Open Enrollment may not mean you have to go the rest of the year with no coverage at all. Many states have a variety of coverage options available that can help you fill the void if you are locked out of enrollment into an Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant plan.

Saying to yourself that you are “healthy” and don’t need healthcare insurance can leave you thousands of dollars in debt so what choices do you have? Since options available in one state may be completely different than another, it's highly advisable to consult an independent healthcare insurance agent to help you get an objective opinion on your options. Here are a few possibilities:

Monday, March 11, 2019

Dear Politician: Just What Is “Medicare For All”?

By Marc Manor

As we prepare ourselves for the onslaught of political rhetoric associated with the 2020 presidential and Congressional campaigns, we have all heard the term “Medicare for All” as a means to fix our healthcare system.  I must admit, the more I hear the talk about Medicare for All, the more questions I have.  As an insurance agent who works to place Medicare beneficiaries into appropriate coverage, I can tell you that most people I talk to do not really understand our current Medicare system when they become eligible.  Based on much of what I have heard from politicians, it seems to me they also don’t understand Medicare.
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I should disclose, I do have some personal interest in how Medicare for All would come to be.  Obviously, if commercial insurance companies were cut out your proposed system, me and thousands (if not millions) of people would have to find a new livelihood.  Having said that, I would support any functional system of healthcare over what we have now for people not eligible for Medicare.

Healthcare is a Team Game

 By Marc Manor Healthcare is a team game that includes everyone from the client/patient, to the provider, their staffs, coders, insurance co...