by Marc Manor
If you are coming up on age 65 and you are still working and are using an employee group health insurance plan you may be asking yourself if you should dump the employer plan to take advantage of your Medicare benefits. If you thought that, you are not alone. This situation comes up frequently and as an agent, I can only really answer by making a recommendation that you seek assistance from your company benefits advisor.
Seeking assistance from your benefits advisor is really the only answer because they should be the most knowledgeable about the group plan benefits. Human Resource professionals earn their living managing employee benefit plans. So, as you ask yourself the question of whether to part ways with your employee group plan to join Medicare, you need to go to HR. You may be fortunate and get the HR professional that provides you with all the information you need to make an informed decision; or you may just be handed a form and be left on your own to make the decision.
Either way, you need to know the questions to ask just in case you aren’t presented with enough information to make a determination best suited for your situation. Here are some tips: